Friday, November 28, 2008

Why is the Ph Level so Important for your Swimming Pool?

The Ph level of your swimming pool is one thing you definitely need to keep a close eye on. Each week you should be using a testing kit so you know what the levels are. Ideally you want them to be as close to 7.2 as possible. However, anything in the range of 7.0 to 7.6 is deemed as acceptable and you won’t need to do anything else about it. However, if the level is too high or too low than you need to balance it out by adding various chemicals.

If the amount is below 7.0 then it is considered to be too acidic. If the amount is above 7.6 then it is considered to be alkaline. There are many effects that can occur when the Ph level isn’t balanced. You don’t want to let this situation go because it can cause some things you aren’t going to want to deal with.

When there is too much acid in the water it can cause damage to your swimming pool. It will depend on the type of materials your pool is made from. Those from plaster are the most susceptible to the damages. Even if you can’t readily see the damage taking place it is there. Instead of having a smooth surface there will be tiny groves forming. In these groves bacteria and algae have a great chance of forming. As a result you will find it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your swimming pool clean like it should be.

The acid will also result in any types of metal you have in the swimming pool to corrode. This can include fittings, ladders, and even the connectors to your pump. This corrosion can affect the way these items fit as it will make them weaker. Eventually you will have to replace them. You will also find our swimming pool is more susceptible to stains due to the sulphate that is released. These stains can be brown, black, or reddish and they will certainly stand out affecting the overall beauty of your pool.

Too much acid will absorb the chlorine you place in the water too. This means it will become cloudy and more algae and bacteria can form .You will notice a strong smell of chlorine even though less of it is present. This is what will account for burning eyes and the skin drying out. Too many owners assume they need to add more and more chlorine but the problem is really the acid due to the wrong Ph level.

There are consequences when the Ph level is too alkaline as well. The same results can occur in reference to the eyes burning and the skin drying out. So when you have these symptoms it is wise to immediately check the Ph levels in the pool. The swimming pool will also become very dirty because most of the chlorine you put in it will become ineffective. In fact you will need to add eight times the normal amount to get the same results when the Ph level is too alkaline. The water will be very cloudy and that is something that makes it very unappealing.

Calcium build up will result too and that can result in various types of stains. If you don’t take care of it you will notice black stains developing along the water line all around your swimming pool. If you have a sand filter you will find it doesn’t work like it should. The calcium will result in the sand becoming heavier than it should so it can’t filter properly.

As you can see, the Ph level in the swimming pool is very important. If it is too high or too low you will have all types of problems to deal with. Make sure you test this every single week so that you can offset any potential problems from occurring. Effective maintenance is more cost effective and efficient than having to deal with one problem after another because you didn’t do it.

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